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Periodical: Filosofia della Scienza

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Filosofia della Scienza.
Revista Mensile di Psicologia Sperimentale, Spiritismo e Scienze Occulte / Rivistra bimestrale di Dottrine e Richerche Psicologiche.
1909--1914 Monthly, bimonthly
Palermo, Sicily, Italy.
Language: Italian.
Editor: Dott. Innocenzo Calderone.
1/1, January 1909-6/6, 2d ser., December 1914.
L. 3 -5 a year, 16-48 pp.

This was an Italian cognate of the Durvilles' Revue du Psychisme Experimental published in Paris, distinguished mainly by a few of the leading collaborators (e.g., Vincenzo Cafalli) and frequent consideration of the attitude of "the Church" to a given subject. It included many of the same scholars in the international field of psychical research as the French journal. It carried articles by and excerpts from Leon Denis, Albert de Rochas, F. Zingaropoli, V. Cavalli, et al., and extensive review of journals in the field. Noted in La Evolucion, June 1913. Amsterdamse Universiteitsbibliotheek.

Issues:Filosofia Della Scienza V2 1910
Filosofia Della Scienza V5 1913
Filosofia Della Scienza V6 1914

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