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Periodical: Everyday Astrology

Summary  From Pat Deveney's database:

Everyday Astrology.
1937--1952 Monthly
New York, NY. Publisher: N.L. Pines; Better Publications; Pines Publishing Company.
1/1, May 1937-63/1, November 1952.

This was an utterly undistinguished mass-market journal that obviously served only to fill out the publisher’s otherwise undistinguished mass-market magazines on topics such as Popular Western, Thrilling Western, Thrilling Love, Thrilling Detective, Popular Detective, Rio Kid, etc. Its only distinguishing features are its covers and the fact that it managed to last for a decade and a half. LOC.

Issues:Everyday Astrology V1 N1 May 1937
Everyday Astrology V16 N1 Feb 1941

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This page was updated on 25-Mar-21