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Periodical: Espiritualismo Experimental

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Espiritualismo Experimental.
Orgam consagrado a todos os ramos de conhecimentos e especialmente a Sciencia Spirita.
Fora da Caridade Nao Ha Salvacao
1886 Monthly
Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Language: Portuguese.
Editor: Elias da Silva.
1/1, September 1886.
16-24 pp., free to foreign spiritualist centers.

The journal, unusually for a Kardecist journal, announced that it would highlight material by opponents of Kardec and spiritism "because we do not fear the dissemination of published writings against the doctrine." Extensive lists of spiritualist journals from around the world. Noted as a new journal in Revue Spirite, November 1, 1886.

Issues:Espiritualismo Experimental V1 N2 Oct 1886

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