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Periodical: Drieledige Indeeling

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Drieledige indeeling van het sociale organisme.
1920--1921 Monthly
Utrecht, Netherlands.
Language: Dutch.
Publisher: P.J. de Haan. Editor: Marie Tak Van Poortvliet, and N.D. Frankena.
1/1, January 1920-November 1921.
f 1.5 a year, 15 cents a copy, 12 pp.

This was part of the movement to spread word of Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy throughout Europe. Its title reflects his ideas on the tripartite division of the social organism, and its articles and answers to questions attempted to address social and political issues in line with his thought. The journal also contained some of Steiner's reflections on the root causes of World War I. Details of the journal and its context are given in Helmut Zander's Anthroposophie in Deutschland (2007) and in Die Anthroposophischen Zeitschriften von 1903 bis 1985 (1987). Bibliotheek van de Universiteit van Amsterdam; Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Copenhagen.

Issues:Drieledige Indeeling V1 N3 Mar 1920
Drieledige Indeeling V2 N4 Apr 1921
Drieledige Indeeling V2 N6 Jun 1921
Drieledige Indeeling V2 N7 Jul 1921
Drieledige Indeeling V2 N8 Aug 1921
Drieledige Indeeling V2 N9 Sep 1921
Drieledige Indeeling V2 N10 Oct 1921

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