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Periodical: Despertador Mental

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Despertador Mental, El.
Hacia Dios por el bien y la Ciencia / El Espiritismo no impone dogmas invita al estudio / Reir es muy comodo pero poco cientifico -- Victor Hugo / El sabio que rie de lo posible, esta en camino de llegar a idiota -- Victor Hugo
1914--1921? Monthly
Mexico, D.F., Mexico.
Language: Spanish.
Editor: Matilde R. de Villar.
1/1, October 1914.
2 centavos an issue.

The journal must have ceased at some point after March 1915 (the last known issue) because the Bulletin de l'Union Spirite Française in 1921 announced the first issue of the what must be the revived journal. The Sociedad Espirita Feminina, of which this was the organ, met weekly in the hall of the Federacion Espirita de Mexico to pursue scientific spiritualism, Christian morality and Universal Fraternity, with the goal of the "personal betterment conscience." The title of the journal ("alarm clock") seems designed to indicate the intention of the woman's society to stimulate and awaken women. All the articles in the surviving issue were written by women, and tend to run along the lines of:

"In the home woman officiates as supreme priest, as the light center that should illuminate everything. The most delicate and most transcendental mission of the evolving future. She lags because of the backwardness of the times and has not enjoyed the fruits of the rights which wise nature has given her, but arises now in our splendid and radiant time as the sun shines to dispel the envious fog that pretended to shut it off."

The editor, as Matilde Rivera, a "speaking and writing medium," also wrote for Obrero Espirita, which she published with her husband, Victor Villar, and for La Conscienca Libre, and later edited and wrote for Helios.

Issues:Despertador Mental V1 N2 Nov 1914

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