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Periodical: Demain

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Revue Belge d'Astro-Dynamique / Revue Traitant exclusivement d'Astrologie Scientifique. Prognostics Financiers/ Revue d'astrologie scientifique, d'idees nouvelles et d'anticipations.
De quoi demain sera-t-il fait?
1925--1939? Bimonthly
Brussels, Belgium.
Language: French.
Editor: Gustave-Lambert Brahy, Vicomte Charles de Herbais de Thun, editor in chief.
1/1, 1925. (1939 was the journal's 14th year.)
45-50 francs a year, 68 pp. (varies).

The journal touted itself as being "scientific," with the goal of verifying scientifically, outside of all philosophical systems, the influence of the stars on man, social, political, and economic events, and generally on all areas of nature." In effect, however, the journal carried the customary prognostications for the coming period, interspersed with more general discussions. It carried the astro-diagnosis of Max Heindel (advertisements for whose work appeared in the journal), discussions of the horoscope of the late Pius XI, favorable periods for surgery and for becoming pregnant, and, during the War, it presented the horoscope of General De Gaulle with an analysis of his chances (good). Touchingly, the issue for August 1939 predicts disturbances in the north of Scotland and in Greenland, but ignored the coming of World War II. The journal called special attention to its analysis of "fluctuations boursieres et influences cosmiques," on which the Institut Central Belge de Recherches Astro-Dynamiques that published this journal, also published from 1930 on Bulletins Financiers, quarterly, monthly and weekly, in limited editions (price on demand), to guide financiers and speculators, and ran a Studio Astrologique to teach students the rudiments of astrology. Jean Delville was for a time the honorary president of the Institute. Pierre Geyraud, L'occultisme a Paris (1953) noted the work of H.-J. Gouchon in the journal. Advertised in L'Astrosophie, 1930 and 1939, and Cahiers Astrologiques, 1938.

Issues:Demain V8 N3-4 Aug-sep 1933
Demain V8 N8 Jan 1934
Demain V9 N5 Sep 1934
Demain V9 N6 Oct 1934
Demain V9 N9 Jan 1935
Demain V10 N1 May 1935
Demain V10 N6 Oct 1935
Demain V10 N7 Nov 1935
Demain V13 N3 Sep 1938
Demain V13 N10 Feb 1939
Demain V14 N2 Jun 1939
Demain V14 N3 Jul 1939
Demain V14 N4 Aug 1939
Demain V16 N4 Jun 1942

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