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Periodical: Current Astrology

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Current Astrology.
1942 Quarterly
Springfield, MA, then New York, NY.
Publisher: Harle Publications, Inc.; Current Astrology, Inc.
Editor: Walter H. Holze, editor-in-chief, then Charles F. Meyer and Iris Vorel, 1949-1951 Helen Haas, editor; Irys Vorel, astrology editor.
1/1, 1942. $1.00 a year, 130 pp.

This was a typical astrology journal of the time, with extensive "Daily Advice" for each sign, personal responses to inquirers, horoscopes for movie stars, and the like, but also included articles on tarot (by Elbert Benjamine, "President of the Church of Light"), graphology, "Herbs for Beauty," and extensive advertising pages touting AMORC, "The Keys of Power," personal astrologers, "Black Herman" incense, "Lucky Girl and Boy Brand Lodestone Perfume," bogus degrees from doubtful schools, and other typical offerings. Harry Ransom Library, University of Texas; University of Illinois at Urbana.

Issues:Current Astrology V5 N1 Winter 1946
Current Astrology V6 N1 Winter 1947
Current Astrology V7 N4 Aug-sep 1948

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This page was updated on 03-Aug-21