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Periodical: Cruz [Piaui]

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Cruz, A.
Orgam do Grupo Espirita Fe, Esperança e Caridade de Amerante.
1902 Monthly
PiauĂ­, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Language: Portuguese.
Editor: Satyro de Castro Moreira.
1/1, 1902.
4 pp., 2$000 a year.

This was a Kardecist journal with notable articles on "Clericalism" and notes on Charles Fauvety and Victor Hugo. Castro Moreira was a prominent Mason and the owner and editor of the political journal O Tempo. Noted in Revue Spirite, January 1, 1904.

Issues:Cruz V4 N42 Mar 31 1906
Cruz V4 N43 Apr 30 1906
Cruz V4 N44 May 31 1906

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