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Periodical: Cronaca del Magnetismo Animale

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Cronaca del Magnetismo Animale.
1853-1854 Monthly (10 issues/year)
Milan, Italy. Language: Italian. Editor: Giuseppe Terzaghi.
1/1,January 1853-1854. 48-60 pp.

The first Italian journal of mesmerism. The author of "L'Ipnotismo e gli Stati Affini," online at, says the journal was published for eight years between 1850 and 1860, but only two bound volumes, marked 1853 and 1854, have survived and they appear to have been all that were published. It consisted of long, discursive articles devoted primarily to the "scientific" (medical) uses of magnetism. Crabtree 662. National Library of Medicine.

Issues:Cronaca del Magnetismo Animale V1 1853
Cronaca del Magnetismo Animale V2 1854

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