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Periodical: Cosmic Dawn

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Cosmic Dawn, The.
A Magazine Devoted to the Study of the Laws and Principles Governing the Mysteries of Life and the Destiny of Man / A Magazine Devoted to Positive development. A Source of Vital Information / A Superior Monthly Periodical Pertaining to the Basic Laws of Positive Development. Health, Happiness, Prosperity / Awaken the Slumbering Forces Within! Change Failure Into Success. Attain Power, Prosperity and Happiness
1929--1933 Monthly
Los Angeles, CA.
Editor: Eugene E. Thomas.
Publisher: Our Brotherhood; Eugene E. Thomas.
1/1, May 1929-September 1933.
$1.00-$3.00 a year, 32 pp.

Noted in The Occult Digest, 1928, and advertised in The Direct Voice, October 1930, and in New Liberator, March 1931. The advertisement in the Seer, September 1931, promises that the journal "Opens A New Heaven and a New Earth to You. Places You En Rapport with the World of Mind and Power. Every happiness and sorrow, loss or gain in your life is the result of unseen forces you have felt the possibility of awakening greatness and the vision has faded, the power ebbed, you have been called back to the duty and necessity of the commonplace. Every one has a natural vocation, but until he learns how to use the forces of being constructively, he cannot master his social, domestic, business and intellectual life." Its advertisements in Mercury promised that it was "Vitally interesting, instructive, illuminating. Opens a New Heaven and a new earth to you. Places YOU en rapport with the world of Mind and Power. . . . Learn to Run the Invisible Machinery behind Appearances." Thomas had been a close associate of H. Spencer Lewis in AMORC, lecturing on the organization’s behalf, and when he left he was sued for his trouble for slander. (In his answer in the lawsuit he recited that H.S. Lewis left school when he became interested in "deception and trickery" and "the mystic, illusionary and magical," and took a job at the McIntyres’ Magic Store.) See the notes under American Rosae Crucis and Modern Miracles. He then started the Universal Order of Ancient Mysteries, then Our Brotherhood, which in 1930 became the Brotherhood of Mt. Shasta. He offered several courses on the Science of Self-Knowledge, including an Inner Course in 43 degrees that taught the mysteries of the Kundalini Force. NYPL; University of California, Santa Barbara.

Issues:Cosmic Dawn V2 N9 Jan 1931

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