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Periodical: Chapel of Truth Messenger

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Chapel of Truth Messenger/Truth Messenger
Of Interest and Genuine Aid to the Truth Student / A spiritual helper of great value to all who are seeking hte new consciousness.
Other titles: Truth Messenger
1924--1941 Monthly, then bimonthly
Philadelphia, PA.
Editor: Mary L. Stuart Butterworth, J.W. Cheney.
Publisher: Chapel of Truth.
Succeeded by: Truth Messenger
1/1, 1924-18/9, December 1941.

Rev. Mary Butterworth was a voice and vocal teacher and was the leader of the Chapel of Truth on Walnut and then Broad Street in Philadelphia which held weekly meetings on Applied Christianity, Divine Science and Spiritual Attainment. It defined itself as "people who were formerly of all denominations -- Catholics, Jews, Quakers, Mennonites, Christian Scientists, Unity, New Thought students, and all branches of the Protestant Church, who find here a congenial atmosphere -- the Spirit of the Christ Harmony, Peace and Good-will toward each other. It stands for the Christian scientific healing of the the religion of Jesus the Christ, through oneness with God." The journal contained regular "realizations" ("I claim harmony of life and affairs because I know the value of yielding my will to the Infinite, Eternal, Divine Will") and affirmations, and promoted Mrs. Butterworth's Course of Instructions on spiritual forces and the like. INTA; Lutheran Theological Seminary.

Issues:Chapel Of Truth Messenger V16 N8 Nov 1939 Scattered 1931-1941

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