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Periodical: Chaine Magnetique

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Chaine Magnetique, La.
Organe des societes magnetiques de France et de l'etranger. Echo des Salons et Cabinets de Magnetisme et de Somnambulisme.
Croire, Savoir, Vouloir, Pouvoir!
Paris, France.
Language: French.
Editor: Baron Jules Denis Dupotet; Louis Auffinger.
Succeeds: Journal du Magnetisme (partial continuance)
1/1, July 15, 1879-1897.
8 francs a year, 16 pp.

This was begun with the collaboration of Dupotet to continue the work of the baron's original Journal du Magnetisme (1845-1861). It was the practical organ of the French societies of masseurs and magnetizers. Papus, in his "Presses neo-spiritualistes," 1896, says that the journal was an "echo des salons magnetiques" of earlier times. It carried on a press war over the then current laws prohibiting the practice of magnetic medicine without a license -- Auffinger's wife, a somnambule, had been condemned under the law. Also regularly criticized was Hector Durville and his new Journal du Magnetisme, which was a direct competitor of this journal and claimed to be the legitimate successor of Dupotet's Journal du Magnetisme. It also carried short articles on clairvoyance and clairaudience, on the "diables, demons, lutins, farfadets, revenants" that troubled human rest, and other related topics. Crabtree 1017. Johns Hopkins; BNF.

Issues:Chaine Magnetique V13 N156 Jun 15 1892
Chaine Magnetique V16 N187 Jan 15 1895

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