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Periodical: Caridade [Santa Catarina]

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Orgam da Associacao Espirita Beneficente Dr. Frederico Rolla. Jornal mensal de propaganda espirita.
Fé transporta montanhas.-- Jesus Christo
1921 Monthly (irregular)
Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Language: Portuguese.
1/1, June 1921.
Distributed free, 4 pp.

The journal was Kardecist and Christian, but gave rather unusual attention to out of the ordinary occurrences and miraculous cures. The journal consisted mainly of excerpts from other Brazilian spiritualist journal, especially O Clarim. Dr. Rolla, the spirit patron of the society whose photograph had graced the cover of the first issue, had died October 14, 1891.

Issues:Caridade Santa Catarina V1 N1 Jun 1921
Caridade Santa Catarina V1 N2 Jul 1921
Caridade Santa Catarina V1 Ns4-5 Sep-oct 1921
Caridade Santa Catarina V1 Ns6-7 Nov-dec 1921

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