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Periodical: Caridade [Ouro Preto]

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Caridade, A.
Orgao do Grupo Spirita Antonio de Padua.
Das tres virtudes a caridade e a maior dellas.--S. Paulo, Acts 13/15
1898 Semimonthly
Ouro Preto, Brazil.
Language: Portuguese.
1/1, April 1, 1898.
4 pp., distributed free.

This was a Christian Kardecist journal. It noted in the first issue the "amazing cures" being done by a Dr. Eduardo Silva and his "healing medium" in Sao Paulo, and then in the next took two pages to withdraw the endorsement after witnessing him in action, because the healing was a natural talent and not spirit-caused.

Issues:Caridade V1 N1 Apr 1 1898
Caridade V1 N2 Apr 22 1898
Caridade V1 N3 May 19 1898

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