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Periodical: Bulletin Officiel du Bureau International du Spiritisme

Summary:   From Pat Deveney's database:

Bulletin Officiel du Bureau International du Spiritisme.
Affilie a L'Union des Associations Internationales.
Other titles: Official bulletin of the International Bureau of Spiritualism
1910 Quarterly
Anvers, then Liege, Belgium. Language: French and English.
Editor: Chevalier Georges Le Clement de St-Marcq.
Publisher: Le Bureau.
Succeeded by: Archives du Spiritisme Mondial (1923)
1/1, September 1910.
24 pp., 1 franc a year and distributed free of charge to every spiritualist periodical whose address had been sent to the Bureau and to every associated spiritualist association.

This was to be the official repository of the organizational documents and decisions of the various spiritualist congresses of the period, and was decided upon at the Universal Spiritualist Congress in Brussels in May 1910. It is notable for its review of the progress of spiritualism in often-neglected countries, like Morocco, Croatia, and Japan, and for its sometime editor Le Clement de St-Marcq (1865-1956), who was not only a prominent spiritist but also a pioneering figure in the establishment of the Belgian air force but also the author of L'Eucharistie (1912) which proposed that the original secret of Christianity was spermatophagy. On Le Clement de St-Marcq, see Marco Pasi, “The Knight of Spermatophagy,” in Hidden Intercourse (2008). The journal's purpose was taken up again after the War in Archives du Spiritisme Mondial. Also published in English as Official Bulletin of the International Bureau of Spiritualism. LOC; BNF.

Issues:Bulletin Officiel du Bureau International du Spiritisme V4 N1 Sep 1913

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This page was updated on 21-May-24