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Periodical: Bulletin Board

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Bulletin Board, The.
1911--1912? Monthly
New York, NY.
Editor: Mary Elizabeth Urch.
Publisher: Roger Bros. Publishing Co.
1/1, October 1911.
16 pp., 5 cents a copy, 50 cents a year.

The journal's stated purpose was "to help others help themselves" by "suggesting helpful books to meet certain types of experiences; to bring to the reader definite, authenticated experiences of others who are blazing the metaphysical trail; to give methods or way to secure practical results by the application of metaphysical truths to life situations." In practice this consisted of affirmations ("I am one with all the Good in the universe") and uplifting sentiments on escaping life's inharmonies and leading the more abundant life, coupled with current events in psychical research and New Thought, lists of addresses of Thought practitioners and churches, a bibliographical catalogue of Helpful Books for Every Reader. Noted in exchanges of Master Mind, 1912. University of California, Santa Barbara; Temple University; NYU; McGill University.

Issues:Bulletin Board V1 N6 Mar 1912

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