From Pat Deveney's database:
British Spiritual Telegraph, The.
Being a Weekly/Monthly Record of Spiritual Phenomena.
1857-1859 Weekly, then monthly from September 15, 1858, and then semimonthly April to November 1859
Keighley, Yorkshire, then London, England. Publisher: W. Orsell, and from March 1, 1859 by F. Pitman. Editor: Benjamin Morrell (?), later assisted by William Howitt.
Succeeds: Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph Succeeded by: Spiritual Magazine (London) 1860
1/1, June 27, 1857-November 1, 1859. 14-16 pp,, 1d. a copy. Occasional Supplements on particular subjects (e.g., John Ashburner's "The Connection of Mesmerism with Spiritualism"). This is basically, in form and content, the Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph (q.v.) as it outgrew its regional status and, in its last months, moved to London, even while largely drawing its material from Yorkshire. D.W. Weatherhead is said to have continued to sponsor the journal although his name is not formally associated with it and the journal appears to have been published without the benefit of the Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph's substantial list of subscribers: this journal in its first issue announced its satisfaction with the fact that 46 people had subscribed for it. Articles on the history of spirit intercourse (William Howitt,), scrying ("The Use of the Mirror, Crystal, & Water-Vessel in Spirit Intercourse"), and on the organization of the spiritualist movement and the activities of local Spirit Power Circles and mediums. LOC; Yale University.