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Periodical: British Journal of Psychical Research

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

British Journal of Psychical Research, The.
Official Organ of the National Laboratory of Psychical Research.
Scientia omnium revelatrix
1926—1929 Bimonthly
London, England. Editor: Mrs. F.E. Leaning.
Corporate author: Official Organ of the National Laboratory of Psychical Research
1/1, May-June 1926-2/19, May-June 1929. 32 pp., 6s. 6d. a year or included in membership in the National Laboratory (2 guineas a year).

The National Laboratory was begun by Harry Price (1881-1948) in 1925, and in 1934 it was merged into the University of London Council for Psychical Research. This journal had as companions the Proceedings of the National Library of Psychical Research, discontinued in 1929, and the Bulletins of the National Library of Psychical Research, 1932-1933. LOC; 1 issue Skidmore Library, Lily Dale.

Issues:British Journal Of Psychical Research V1 N2 Jul-aug 1926 and an alternative version

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This page was updated on 14-Apr-20