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Periodical: Le Bieniste

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Bieniste, Le.
Organe de l'institut psychosique / Organe de Publicite de l'institut General Psychosique / Journal exposant la doctrine du determinisme divin.
1920--1923 Semimonthly
Auberville, France.
Editor: A. Dubuc; Mlle Denise Duval Jules Berthelin; Paul Pillault, fondateur.
Succeeds: Le Fraterniste
Succeeded by: Le Fraterniste (1924)
1/1, 1920. 13 francs a year, 4 pp.

This was a branch of the Institut Generale des Forces Psychosiques founded by Jean Beziat (1877-1926) to promote "psychose" or "psychosie," belief in the action of the dead on the living, principally in healing. He joined with Paul Pillault (1854-1921) and Henri Lormier in founding healing clinics in which he was a "thaumaturge." The movement's journal was Le Fraterniste, founded in 1910 (q.v.). After World War I, Pillault, who had increasingly become interested in Antoinisme and what he called "determinisme divin" started this journal with Jules Berthelin. Its subscription list was taken over by Le Fraterniste in 1924. Mlle Duval, who had been Pillault's secretary, went on to found L'Avenir Spirite in Amiens. BNF.

Issues:Bieniste V1 N45 Apr 1 1922
Bieniste V1 N46 Apr 15 1922
Bieniste V1 N47 May 1 1922
Bieniste V1 N67 Mar 15 1923

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This page was updated on 12-Sep-22