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Periodical: Austin Pulpit

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Austin Pulpit, The.
The Truth Shall Make You Free.--Jesus
1927--1932 Quarterly
Los Angeles, CA.
Editor: Benjamin Fish Austin, D.D.
Publisher: Austin Publishing Company.
Succeeds: The Sermon-->Reason-->Radium
1/1, 1927.
16 pp.

Austin (1850-1933) was a Canadian educator and a prominent Methodist minister -- until he was expelled for his views on spiritualism and independent inquiry (which led him to deny hell and the divinity of Jesus). On him, see the notes under Reason, Radium, and The Sermon. This was the last of Austin's journals and carried his lectures and radio talks, a schedule of his lecture tours, a long article on "Fairies" in Germany and the mediumship of Elsa Arhheim of Berlin (who photographed the fairies after befriending a flower-elf), notes on Cecil B. D Mille's condemnation of atheism in the schools, and on "What Woodrow Wilson Thinks about Life, Death and Spirit Communication," etc. The journal heavily promoted books published by Austin's publishing company, back issues of his earlier journals, and Colored Stereopticon Views on human auras, views of Mars (based on Sara Weiss' Journeys to Mars), "Thot Forms," "Remarkable Spirit Photos," etc. University of Wisconsin and University of Waterloo.

Issues:Austin Pulpit V2 N3 Sep 15 1928
Austin Pulpit V4 N2 Mar-15 1930

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