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Periodical: Archiv fur Magnetismus und Somnambulismus

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Archiv fur Magnetismus und Somnambulismus.
1787—1788 Irregular
Strassburg, Germany.
Language: German.
Editor: Johann Lorenz Bockmann.
Publisher: In der akademischen Buchhandlung.
1/1, 1787-1788.

Johann Lorenz Bockmann (1741-1802) was a noted mathematician and physical scientist (a correspondent of Benjamin Franklin and the installer of the first lightning rod in Baden). He was also Councilor at the court of Karl Friedrich, Margrave of Baden, and was sent by him to Strasburg, where the Marquqis de Puysegur was then living, to investigate Mesmerism and especially its later developments, somnambulism and clairvoyance. His visit coincided with the high point of Mesmerism in Germany and, beginning as a skeptic, he soon became a convinced believer and active participant in the Harmonic Society of Strasburg and began publishing this irregular journal filled with reports from all around Germany of various magnetic healings and occurrences and with letters on the same from physicians to their patrons. Many local physicians were not amused and officially complained to the Margrave about Bockmann's journal and it soon was brought to an end while Mesmerism narrowly escaped being banned in Baden. National Library of Medicine; University of Texas; Cambridge University; Universitatsbibliothe Duisburg-Essen, etc.

Issues:Archiv Fur Magnetismus Und Somnambulismus N1 1787
Archiv Fur Magnetismus Und Somnambulismus N2 1787
Archiv Fur Magnetismus Und Somnambulismus N3 1787
Archiv Fur Magnetismus Und Somnambulismus N4 1787
Archiv Fur Magnetismus Und Somnambulismus N5 1787
Archiv Fur Magnetismus Und Somnambulismus N6 1788
Archiv Fur Magnetismus Und Somnambulismus N7 1788
Archiv Fur Magnetismus Und Somnambulismus N8 1788

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