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Periodical: Aquarian Craftsman

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Aquarian Craftsman, The.
A Magazine with a DEFINITE PURPOSE, that of preparing mankind for the Coming of the New Age. Aquarius. It is the voice crying in the wilderness, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord, (Aquarius) , make His paths straight."
1932 Monthly
Oakland, CA.
Editor: Amy E. McCarthy, editor; Zillah McComb, assistant editor.
1/1, April 1932.
$2.50 a year, 32 pp.

This was a short-lived astrological journal that combined strong elements of dietetics and numerology ("5 is 2, 1, 2 or 3 and 2, or 4 and 1, expresses as expansion, inclusiveness, comprehension, understanding, judgment. justice, reaping and harvesting. In the second tetractys, 5 becomes a higher vibration of 2, so it has to do with the reproduction of self in the material world, increase fecundity, propagation," etc. It also carried studies of "Bio-Elementology," "the Great Pyramid Prophecies," "Esoteric Masonry," etc.

Issues:Aquarian Craftsman V1 N2 May 1932

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