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Periodical: American Astrology

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

American Astrology.
Your Daily Guide.
Other titles: American Astrology Magazine
1933 Monthly
New York, NY, then Tucson, AZ. Publisher: Clancy Publications; American Astrology, Inc.; Starlog Group.
Editor: Paul G. Clancy (till 1954); Carl Payne Tobey, associate editor; Joanne D'Alton Clancy (till 1984); Lee and Irving Chapman (till 2003).
Succeeded by: Merged with Astrology, Your Daily Horoscope in 2003 to form American Astrology, Your Daily Horoscope

1/1, March 1933-2003. $3.00 a year. Beginning in May 1934 the title became American Astrology Magazine. This was the longest running American astrological journal. The journal notably carried Marc Edmund Jones's 11-part article "The Science of the Ages"in 1939, as well as contributions by Dane Rudhyar and many others. The journal contained the usual didactic articles, day-to-day guides for the signs, comment on world events (”practically certain"Wendell Willkie will win 1940 presidential election), horoscopes of notable people, etc. Carl Payne Tobey in his "Memories and Recollections"says that Clancy had in 1932 before published one of the first astrological magazines (unnamed) in Detroit), that lasted six months. When Clancy started this journal the next year (on a $1,000 loan from a typesetter -- that repaid $250,000) he hired Tobey, although their philosophies notably differed: "Clancy was a Mystic. He was a man with a destiny. What he was trying to do, scientists didn't know how to do. He told me, ‘I am going to make America astrology conscious.' Frankly, I don't know how he did it, but he did." Biographical notices on Clancy often note that he started this journal in 1923, but they are incorrect. Clancy is also notable for hiring appellate lawyers for Bruno Hauptmann after his conviction for kidnapping the Lindbergh baby. Clancy also published the American Journal of Astrology. Advertised in L'Astrosophie, December 1939. UCLA; Los Angeles Public Library; San Francisco Public Library; University of Utah; Seattle Public Library, etc.

Issues:American Astrology V2 N8 Oct 1934
American Astrology V2 N9 Nov 1934
American Astrology V2 N10 Dec 1934
American Astrology V2 N11 Jan 1935
American Astrology V3 N2 Apr 1935
American Astrology V3 N3 May 1935
American Astrology V3 N4 Jun 1935
American Astrology V3 N5 Jul 1935
American Astrology V3 N6 Aug 1935
American Astrology V3 N7 Sep 1935
American Astrology V3 N8 Oct 1935
American Astrology V3 N9 Nov 1935
American Astrology V3 N10 Dec 1935
American Astrology V7 N8 Oct 1939
American Astrology V7 N11 Jan 1930
American Astrology V7 N12 Feb 1940
American Astrology V8 N1 Mar 1940
American Astrology V8 N2 Apr 1940
American Astrology V8 N3 May 1940
American Astrology V8 N4 Jun 1940
American Astrology V8 N5 Jul 1940
American Astrology V8 N8 Oct 1940
American Astrology V8 N9 Nov 1940
American Astrology V8 N10 Dec 1940
American Astrology V11 N12 Feb 1944
American Astrology V14 N11 Jan 1947
American Astrology V15 N1 Mar 1947
American Astrology V15 N2 Apr 1947
American Astrology V15 N3 May 1947
American Astrology V15 N4 Jun 1947
American Astrology V15 N5 Jul 1947
American Astrology V15 N6 Aug 1947
American Astrology V15 N7 Sep 1947
American Astrology V15 N8 Oct 1947
American Astrology V15 N9 Nov 1947
American Astrology V15 N10 Dec 1947

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