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Periodical: Almanach Prophetique

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Almanach Prophetique.
Pittoresque et Utile, pour [1841].
1841--1897 Annual
Paris, France. Language: French. Publisher: Lavigne; Librairie Aubert; Susse Frères. Editor: Originally: "by the author of Nostradamus," then "by the nephew of Nostradamus".
1/1, 1841-1897. 50 centimes.

The volumes were numbered for the year covered and were published the preceding year. The journal contained the usual matters found in almanacs (full moons, significant civil and church dates and calendars, eclipses, meteors, etc.) but also had regular articles on methods of predicting the future, chiromancy, arithmomancy ("calculs cabalistiques et combinaisons numerales de l'annee"), snake charmers, charlatanism, prophetic dreams, ecstasies, tables tournantes/parlantes, etc. Excerpts from Colin de Plancy on "The Beings of the Spirit World" and Gougenaux de Mousseax on spectres, etc. Profusely illustrated with plates on the various subjects covered. ZDB: Freiburg Inst Grenzgeb Psychol; Munchen BSB; Augsburg UB; Dresden SLUB, ZB; Weimar HAAB.

Issues:Almanach Prophetique 1841
Almanach Prophetique 1851
Almanach Prophetique 1852
Almanach Prophetique 1853
Almanach Prophetique 1854
Almanach Prophetique 1857
Almanach Prophetique 1859
Almanach Prophetique 1865
Almanach Prophetique 1866
Almanach Prophetique 1867
Almanach Prophetique 1869
Almanach Prophetique 1870

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This page was updated on 14-Apr-20