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Periodical: Almanach de l'Ymagier

Summary  From Pat Deveney's database:

Almanach de l'Ymagier 1897.
Zodiacal, astrologique, magique, cabbalistique, artistique, litteraire, prophetique.
1894—1897 Irregular
Paris, France. Language: French. Publisher: L'Ymagier. Editor: Remy de Gourmont, Alfred Jarry, coeditors.
1/1, October 1894-1897. Unpaginated.

The journal recited that it was published in 100 issues on fine paper. This is the work of Remy de Gourmont (1858-1915) and Alfred Jarry (1873-1907). Despite the list of occult topics in the subtitle, the journal was really a Symbolist art journal that primarily featured engravings, usually woodcuts, by Gourmont, Paul Gaugin, Henri Rousseau, Georges d'Espagnat and others. Its occult content seems to have been generally limited to plates and artistically arranged lists of astrological hours, planets, plants, jewels, etc., interspersed with free-association word-play and paragraphs of poetry:

HIVER, femme aux yeux verts tombe ee sous le linceul des neiges.
Tes cheveux sont poudre es de gel, d'amertume et de sel,
O Momie et ton coeur vaincu, docile aux sortileges,
Dort, escarboucle triste, au fond de ta chair immortelle

University of the West Library; University of California, Hastings;

Issues:Alamanch de l'Ymagier 1897

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